Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Love My Dad!

I found this letter my dad wrote to me a while back. At the time, I was struggling with my teenage son, as most parents do. It was a very trying time for me. It was testing my devotion as a mother to the fullest. I felt weak for the first time as his mother and embarrassingly so. It's terrible to say, but it felt good to hear that I wasn't alone. It was a test of my commitment and loyalty, but we persevered.

My dad's letter helped me through it and I thought I would share it with you. Perhaps you can gain strength from it as I did and use it to your advantage.

He wrote:
"Just a note to say how much I love you........things may be overwhelming right now, but, somehow (and we don't know how or when) things always work themselves out.
When faced with hard times it is sometimes comforting to reflect on the beautiful occasion(s) that led to this time. For me it is always thinking back to that gorgeous 18 year old that I made a promise to so long ago at the altar of God. Maybe, in this case, it's that first time you held that beautiful baby boy.....for I'm sure that's all it took to dedicate you to a lifetime of devotion.

Reyna, you've faced tough obstacles before and always landed on your feet. It is important to recognize that the toughest obstacle you'll ever face is devotion.
Devotion tests you, it comes charging at you, it envelopes you and it tries to drown you. It will unnerve you, it will frighten you and it will confuse you. But, know that you'll feel pride when you pass the test, you'll gain strength to face it's charge, you'll learn to shed the paralyzing cocoon, and you'll learn what it takes to keep your head above water. You'll be more'll become valiant..... and you will become certain. True devotion will always make you a better person.

A wise man we all knew once told me your children are your life and your legacy. Lee didn't profess to know much about either, but, his life produced his legacy.
We all do our best to control our life, but, it's going to turn out the way destiny chooses. That leaves you with your legacy, and a new chapter is written every day. You are the author, so choose the words carefully.

I love you,

Nuff said.

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